196 research outputs found

    Fast Fourier transform by period quarter

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    Any periodical signal can be decomposed in Fourier series. When the number of harmonies is limited and the signal period is known, the series coefficient calculation can be donc exactly by simple additions or subtractions of a limited number of sampled values. For each harmonie, four samples are taken in each harmonie period . The first advantage is ta remove every produet in the computation . The second advantage is to obtain independent filters that only let through their harmonie and some multiple harmonies. By setting up one filter per harmonie, it is easy to find any coefficient. Each filter requires its own sampling clock; sa, sampling is asynchronous for a set offilters . When harmonies are numerous, the sampling device is tricky ta carry out. FFT by period quarter may be used in software processing and in some specific hardware applications .Tout signal périodique peut être décomposé en série de Fourier. Cette décomposition est habituellement réalisée par TFD (Transformée de Fourier Discrète). Lorsque le nombre d'harmoniques est limité et que la période du signal est connue, le calcul des coefficients de cette série peut se faire de façon exacte par simples additions ou soustractions d'un nombre restreint de valeurs échantillonnées. Pour chaque harmonique, quatre échantillons sont prélevés par période de l'harmonique. Le premier avantage est de supprimer tout produit dans les calculs. Le second avantage est d'obtenir des filtres indépendants ne laissant passer que leurs par harmoniques propres et quelques harmoniques multiples. En installant un filtre par harmonique, on peut retrouver tous les coefficient

    Le Devonien Inferieur des Ouled Abbou (Maroc). Organisation sédimentaire, modalités diagénétiques et impact sur la porosité

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    The region of Ouled Abbou is characterized by the intercalation of carbonated beds in Silurian-Devonian pelite-sandstones. The series is organized into a succesion of three deposition sequences: SD1, SD2, SD3 of Silurian-Lochkovian, Praguian and Emsian age, respectively, developed in a monoclynal platform-type ramp. The hydrodynamics, in relation to variations in sea level, controlled the formation and distribution of the carbonated facies (bioclastic deposits, slope deposits, etc.). In the carbonate beds, diagenetic analysis reveals the sequence of development of the diagenetic transformations: It is essentially the result of multiple phases of cementing and recrystallization, mainly affecting the granular facies that define the diagenetic history leading to an almost complete lithification, hence their low potential as a possible reservoir. Early dolomitisation appears at the summit of sequences SD2 and SD3, leading to the formation of a crystalline rock (dolomicrosparite) followed by a remplacement-recristallisation of calcareous mud. These transformations are later affected by compaction, cracking and tectonic phases of late dolomitisation.La región de Ouled Abbou se caracteriza por la intercalación de niveles carbonatados en pelitas silurico-devónicas. Esta serie está estructurada en una secuencia de tres niveles de depósitos: SD1, SD2, SD3, que son respectivamente de edad siluro-lochkoviense, praguiense y emsiense, desarrollados en una plataforma mixta de typo rampa monoclinal. La hidrodinámica, en relación con las variaciones del nivel del mar, controló la formación y distribución de las facies carbonatadas (depósitos bioclásticos, de pendiente, etc.). El análisis de los niveles carbonatados ha permitido establecer la secuencia de desarrollo de las tranformaciones diagenéticas. Éstas son esencialmente el resultado de múltiples fases de cementación y recristalización, que afectan principalmente a las facies granulares. La dolomitización temprana aparece a techo de las secuencias SD2 y SD3, produciendo una roca cristalina (dolomicroesparita), seguido de un reemplazamiento-recristalización del lodo carbonatado. Estas transformaciones son más tarde afectadas por compactación, fracturación tectónica y dolomitización tardía asociada. El resultado final es una litificación prácticamente completa, de ahí su bajo potencial como reservorio

    Hierarchical and hybrid polymer nanocomposites based on carbon nanotubes and inorganic fullerene type nanoparticles

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    The influence of singlewalled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) and inorganic fullerenelike tungsten disulfide nanoparticles (IFWS2) on the morphology and thermal, mechanical and electrical performance of multifunctional fibrereinforced polymer composites has been investigated. Significant improvements were observed in stiffness, strength and toughness in poly (ether ether ketone) (PEEK) / (SWCNT) / glass fibre (GF) laminates when a compatibilizer was used for wrapping the CNTs. Hybrid poly(phenylene sulphide) (PPS)/IFWS2/ carbon fibre (CF) reinforced polymer composites showed improved mechanical and tribological properties attributed to a synergetic effect between the IF nanoparticles and CF

    Opportunities and challenges in the use of inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles to produce advanced polymer nanocomposites

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    Polymer/inorganic nanoparticle nanocomposites have garnered considerable academic and industrial interest over recent decades in the development of advanced materials for a wide range of applications. In this respect, the dispersion of so-called inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles, e.g., tungsten disulfide (IF-WS2) or molybdenum disulfide (IF-MoS2), into polymeric matrices is emerging as a new strategy. The surprising properties of these layered metal dichalcogenides such as high impact resistance and superior tribological behavior, attributed to their nanoscale size and hollow quasi-spherical shape, open up a wide variety of opportunities for applications of these inorganic compounds. The present work presents a detailed overview on research in the area of IF-based polymer nanocomposites, with special emphasis on the use of IF-WS2 nanoparticles as environmentally friendly reinforcing fillers. The incorporation of IF particles has been shown to be efficient for improving thermal, mechanical and tribological properties of various thermoplastic polymers, such as polypropylene, nylon-6, poly(phenylene sulfide), poly(ether ether ketone), where nanocomposites were fabricated by simple melt-processing routes without the need for modifiers or surfactants. This new family of nanocomposites exhibits similar or enhanced performance when compared with nanocomposites that incorporate carbon nanotubes, carbon nanofibers or nanoclays, but are substantially more cost-effective, efficient and environmentally satisfactory. Most recently, innovative approaches have been described that exploit synergistic effects to produce new materials with enhanced properties, including the combined use of micro- and nanoparticles such as IF-WS2/nucleating agent or IF-WS2/carbon fiber, as well as dual nanoparticle systems such as SWCNT/IF-WS2 where each nanoparticle has different characteristics. The structure–property relationships of these nanocomposites are discussed and potential applications proposed ranging from medicine to the aerospace, automotive and electronics industries

    Multiscale-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites incorporating carbon nanotubes: A review

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    This article reviews recent literature on hierarchical thermoplastic-based composites that simultaneously incorporate carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and conventional microscale fibers, and discusses the structure?property relationships of the resulting hybrids. The mixing of multiple and multiscale constituents enables the preparation of materials with new or improved properties due to synergistic effects. By exploiting the outstanding mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of CNTs, a new generation of multifunctional high-performance composites suitable for a wide variety of applications can be developed

    Modern microwave methods in solid state inorganic materials chemistry: from fundamentals to manufacturing

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    Preclinical Efficacy of Endoglin-Targeting Antibody–Drug Conjugates for the Treatment of Ewing Sarcoma

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    [EN] Endoglin (ENG; CD105) is a coreceptor of the TGFb family that is highly expressed in proliferating endothelial cells. Often coopted by cancer cells, ENG can lead to neo-angiogenesis and vasculogenic mimicry in aggressive malignancies. It exists both as a transmembrane cell surface protein, where it primarily interacts with TGFb, and as a soluble matricellular protein (sENG) when cleaved by matrix metal-loproteinase 14 (MMP14). High ENG expression has been associated with poor prognosis in Ewing sarcoma, an aggressive bone cancer that primarily occurs in adolescents and young adults. However, the therapeutic value of ENG targeting has not been fully explored in this disease. Experimental Design: We characterized the expression pattern of transmembrane ENG, sENG, and MMP14 in preclinical and clinical samples. Subsequently, the antineoplastic potential of two novel ENG-targeting monoclonal antibody–drug conjugates (ADC), OMTX503 and OMTX703, which differed only by their drug payload (nigrin-b A chain and cytolysin, respectively), was assessed in cell lines and preclinical animal models of Ewing sarcoma. Results: Both ADCs suppressed cell proliferation in proportion to the endogenous levels of ENG observed in vitro. Moreover, the ADCs significantly delayed tumor growth in Ewing sarcoma cell line–derived xenografts and patient-derived xenografts in a dose-dependent manner. Conclusions: Taken together, these studies demonstrate potent preclinical activity of first-in-class anti-ENG ADCs as a nascent strategy to eradicate Ewing sarcoma

    Assay for high glucose-mediated islet cell sensitization to apoptosis induced by streptozotocin and cytokines

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    Pancreatic β-cell apoptosis is known to participate in the β-cell destruction process that occurs in diabetes. It has been described that high glucose level induces a hyperfunctional status which could provoke apoptosis. This phenomenon is known as glucotoxicity and has been proposed that it can play a role in type 1 diabetes mellitus pathogenesis. In this study we develop an experimental design to sensitize pancreatic islet cells by high glucose to streptozotocin (STZ) and proinflammatory cytokines [interleukin (IL)-1β, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interferon (IFN)-γ]-induced apoptosis. This method is appropriate for subsequent quantification of apoptotic islet cells stained with Tdt-mediated dUTP Nick-End Labeling (TUNEL) and protein expression assays by Western Blotting (WB)